by Erik Wicks | Oct 9, 2017 | Chemicals, Hot Tubs & Spas
Let’s start this blog off the right way and say there is no definite answer on the frequency of changing your hot tub water. It’s not black and white because there are several factors that play a role. Of course, “whenever it feels like it” and...
by Erik Wicks | Oct 2, 2017 | Pool Information, Pool Maintenance
Clear water is healthy and clean water. The entire team here at Erik’s Aquatic Care advises you to steer clear of cloudy pool water. It’s the same principle as the vacation beach water versus the crystal-clear water in the Caribbean. You’re more...
by Erik Wicks | Jun 26, 2017 | Pool Information, Pool Maintenance, Pool Tips
We frequently convert one type of pool water from chlorine to a saltwater pool. We’ve done enough to warrant sharing what goes into the process. Saltwater is slowly catching up to chlorine pools in terms of popularity. The healthier and safer options are taking...
by Erik Wicks | May 22, 2017 | Pool Information, Pool Maintenance
A lot of our clients use chemicals as a surefire way of cleansing their backyard pools. The other half takes a more natural approach—a healthy alternative for the environment. As a result, our team is often asked about alternatives to chemicals to find a happy medium....