Pools, Child Safety, And CPR

While covering such a vast territory between Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Ellenton and Sarasota, Florida, we see a lot of pools. We deal with a lot of different homeowners and various pool designs and regular maintenance requests. One thing we don’t cover with pool owners on a regular basis is safety issues. It’s the main reason we’re writing to our clients and readers to discuss these issues. Pools, child safety, and CPR are on this week’s agenda. Dive right in…
The Hidden Risks Of Pools: Safety And CPR
As we discussed in our last blog, the outdoors can be a great place to relax. However, the outdoors come with many risks in the form of increased sun exposure and dehydration. We went into detail on how you can protect yourself, but what about others? Surely you can tell your friends about wearing clothing, hats, sunscreen or point them in the direction of our blog. However, as a homeowner, you need to know the risks associated with your guests.
Usually, adults who know how to swim are comfortable around water. Even those who don’t know how to swim would steer clear. Unfortunately, children aren’t as self-aware and won’t see the dangers as clearly as adults. Children can easily slip and fall in. There’s a greater chance they need supervision at all times. It’s safe to say children ages 2 to 12 need adult supervision. Here’s why: “Tragically though, over 200 young children drown in backyard swimming pools each year.” — Source: Red Cross
Any parent will contest that things can go wrong in a split second. One moment your eyes are on them. The next moment you turn your attention away and they fall down or cut themselves. You don’t want to find yourself regretting paying attention elsewhere, especially poolside.
Putting Safety First Is About Taking Action
As a pool owner, one thing you want to ensure you have is protection. The more layers you put between those at risk and the dangers is a good thing. The same thing applies to prevent a carjacking. If you leave your doors unlocked, the chances are higher your car will be stolen. Locked doors, an alarm, a steering wheel lock will act as layers of security between the car and the thief. Having protective barriers such as a fence or gate surrounding your entire pool is a smart move. Usually, a gate will have a latch, which will help keep unwanted children out, when it’s closed.
Of course, a clean and maintained pool is safe too. The risk here is not so much drowning or slipping and falling in, it’s about infections. A clean pool means guests are safe from waterborne illnesses, algae blooms and other buildups such as dirt, oil, and debris.
Rescue equipment is a top priority. Be sure to purchase life-saving equipment such as a life preserver and a shepherd’s hook. Depending on how many guests you host regularly with your backyard pool, an AED kit with a portable defibrillator might be a good investment. Having a few floatation devices nearby could also help in the event of an accident. In dire circumstances, a long pool net can help as well.
Lastly, when not using your hot tub, be sure to have the cover secured and locked. Even in season, a hot tub can be easily prepared and secured. A pool, on the other hand, isn’t something you’ll want to fully cover and uncover especially with regular use. This is why a gate or a fence offers long-standing protection.
Knowledge Is Power
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If someone stops breathing, it’s CPR you administer. Knowing CPR could save a life while paramedics are en route. There are often local CPR classes available for anyone to take.
Secondly, make sure everyone who wants to swim in your pool, or hot tub for that matter, knows how to swim. If not, they should not get in the pool past dipping their feet in. That’s just our opinion; either way, we hope our clients and their friends and family are safe.
A Few Decisions To Make
In conclusion, you may have a few decisions to make. Do you need to beef up your pool’s exterior? Is it better to have more supervision? What about making sure every adult who frequents your pool or parents to know CPR, just in case? It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Erik’s Aquatic Care is always here to answer questions you may have as a current or future pool owner. Cheers!